Saturday, December 29, 2012

Welcome to a New Year and new Opportunities!!

We like to approach our practice daily by linking it to new opportunities. Sometimes these opportunities may be linked to increasing health and vitality; our level of fitness or on a deeper, more profound level, by opportunities to bask in our radiance.

As we approach 2013, what opportunities are presenting themselves to you and more importantly are you listening and receptive to these new opportunities?

Yoga For Vata

This is the last in our series on Vata and how we can balance it through lifestyle, food and in this week's blog, yoga.

Since Vata is associated with space and air and a sensation of things being unsettled and scattered, a Vata practice is often grounded, connected with the earth. The sensation of the legs being stuck in mud! Some poses that you can incorporate to balance Vata are:
  • The Warrior series
  • Mountain pose
  • Triangle pose
  • Heart openers, forward folds, inversions
  • Downward dog
  • Seated twists
A nice 60 minute practice is at the following link: Yoga Practice for Vata


Amy and Darlene are excited at hosting Recalibrate. The Ultimate Yoga and Wellness Retreat from February 22-24, 2013.

This retreat will be held at an exclusive and private lodge, on the shores of beautiful Rideau Lake, Perth, Ontario.

Whether you come for the weekend of for Saturday only, there are workshops and classes scheduled in:

Yoga Classes: Hatha (various styles), Yoga Nidra; Yin Yoga
Fitness Sessions: Piloxing, Bootcamp, Zumba...and others
Fitness & Lifestyle: Various topics to empower and educate

More information can be found at:


Have you visited our site to see our incredible winter offerings from Yoga, Yoga-Pilates Fusion Classes, Spinning (including the results driven Spinning-KettleBell class!), Piloxing, TBC, HIIT and Crosstraining? All classes are led by our great group of nationally and internationally certified professionals. In addition to their accreditations, did you know this group are professionals ranging from law-enforcement, finance, risk management, research among many other professions?


This is a quick and effective workout that can be performed with no equipment or 2 dumbbells-the choice is yours. It is based upon 30 seconds of work, 20 seconds rest for rounds, all focused on quality rather than quantity!! Warm up/cool down!
1. reverse lunges with shoulder press
2. Standing tricep press
3. push up (1 inch from ground, full extension, then 1/ 2 way down-keep alternating)
4. Shoulder press
5. sumo squat with heel lift
6. upright row (single arm/in lunge) or double row....
7. Reverse curl with tricep extension (you know what we're talking about if you've been at class)
8. cat-cow

Moroccan Chick Pea with Mint *Yum!!_
1 3/4 c cooking onion (diced)
1/3 c extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
2 teaspoons sweet paprika
1 teaspoons crushed dried chilies (the ones I used made this pretty spicy, which I like, but if you don't add the chilies gradually)
1 teaspoon ground cumin
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 1/2 tablespoons chopped garlic
1/2 c tomato paste
1 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
1 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint
2 - 19oz cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed

In a large cast-iron pan over medium heat, cook the onion in olive oil with sea salt, paprika, dried chilies, cumin & cinnamon until onion is soft, about 10 minutes. Add garlic and cook for 2 more minutes. Add tomato paste, mix well and cook for another 5 minutes.
In a large bowl, stir together onion mixture, parsley, mint and chickpeas. Taste and add more salt if
needed. Serve at room temperature.

Final Words for 2012!

Sometimes I sit back and reflect on each and every one of the wonderful individuals who have and continue to enrich the lives of all of us at the Studio. From each of you, we learn something about ourselves as yoga teachers and instructors. For that, we cannot thank you enough for being the TEACHERS you are.

We wish you all the happiest and healthiest for the New Year and THANK YOU for allowing us to be part of your lives.

Om Shanti!
Amy, Angi, Angelina, Carolyn, Dar C, Darlene M, Jan, Helen, Kerry, Susan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Webmaster,

We were recently shocked to discover that our website’s search engine ranking was being substantially damaged by problematic backlinks.
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