Sunday, March 28, 2010

This week @ The Studio-March 30

After a busy Friday and Saturday training in Toronto and Ottawa, I was happy to get home to my family.

I always like to acknowledge how I am affected by contact with truly wonderful yogis-Friday at the Yoga Conference was no exception after spending the day in the presence of a fabulous teacher. I left with alot to think about and will be digesting the knowledge passed along in this immersion workshop for sometime. One of the biggest messages relates back to how sometimes, an asana might be a work in progress. Instead of saying "I can't do that", tell yourself "It's in progress", maybe it will be completed, maybe not. Does it really matter if you never get into the full expression of an asana? The point is, the full expression of yoga doesn't start with the pose, that is the product. The pose starts at your foundation-the inner foundation first, physical second. I still have some reflection to do on the workshop but am so looking forward to bringing Sadie's knowledge and philosophy into the practices.

Zumbatomics-Ok, Zumba for kids. Wow, it was an eye-opener! This was the first training course in Canada and I'm so excited to bring this to the area. Please visit the Zumba Smiths Falls link for more information. I'm going to do some trial runs - if you have children between 4-7 and 8-12 who'd like to try a class, please drop me an e-mail.

Zumba - This week will see the transition of some of the songs out, some oldies return and a few new ones added in. Bring your shimmy wraps for the Bhangra and bellydance songs! On another note, a wonderful fellow Zumba instructor passed along a great idea for those of you whose running shoes are preventing lateral movement. Cut enough of the toe portion of a sock off (enough to cover the toe and instep portion) of your running shoes. You can move more freely and still have the support of your running shoes.

Yoga - The bhandas-we keep referring to them during asanas and pranayama, but will break these down this week. Since you enjoyed that beautiful sequence in the classes last week, we're expanding upon this sequence. Remember, some days, your practice "Is in progress"!

NEW SCHEDULE is now on the web!! Please note the additional yoga class and conditioning class. Many thanks for your feedback requesting more classes. Also, there have been some minor changes to some other classes (time, duration).


There are no classes on Easter Sunday, but there will be classes on Monday.

Fit Fact-I am posting this separately for this week.

Have a happy and healthy week

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